Get On With It!

To Whom It May Concern:

It’s about time for me to stop whining about how difficult it is getting this website (and my career) started.  Nobody should really care about the “trials” I must go through.  I understand that you want content, you want action, and you want results…

Guess what?

So do I.

So it’s obviously better for me to set some goals here, begin laying out my plans for this site and what I am going to offer.  Up to this point I’m working on showing you what I’ve already done, what gear I have, where I’ve worked, etc.  But I haven’t given you an idea of what I want to do.  The funny part is, I don’t really know either.  However, I’ve got ideas, and ideas can become plans!

First lets start with whats going on right now in my life:

Saturday, March 22nd I will be playing at the Herberger Theater with the Valley Youth Theatre (funny how they are different theat**s).  It’s their (I believe) second Alumni Benefit concert.  I played the first in 2009 before I went off to college so it should be a good reference for my improvement as a player in that time. Haven’t picked up the music yet, but it should be a blast.  Some actual reading, in a really nice venue, with some good musicians and probably some even better singer/actors.  So check it out at

Saturday, April 19th The Lone Sum will be playing at Strongman Beerfest from 11 am-5pm.  Who is The Lone Sum you say?  It is a band from this awesome indie label my good friend runs and he’s asked me to help out with some electric guitar.  Great tunes, high energy, lo-fi ROCK. (PERIOD)  Check them out here.  Also just check out the label there is so much cool stuff and it’s all legit. Nothing contrived about it and thats probably what I appreciate most in my music.  You’ll probably be hearing more about this band and other deafm things on this site in the future…

Okay, back to my longterm plans for this site.

  1. I promise to add a songwriting section, where I will showcase my (better) demos and look for feedback from my viewers and also look for opportunities for collaboration amongst other songwriters.  Should be fun!
  2. I need to get more decent recordings of my live gigs.  So I will make a point of documenting my work.
  3. I would like a section of the different solo performances I offer.  Whether that will be set lists of country songs I know, wedding music reels, solo acoustic for background music etc.  I need to improve my solo repertoire so that I can confidently cover any events that are asked of me.
  4. Add some general lesson videos onto this site and, I suppose youtube in an effort to showcase my teaching abilities AND also explore some of the concepts that are most interesting to me.
  5. recordings of me playing ALL of my instruments (preferably live)
  6. maybe get some decent head shots or live shots.  But the idea of head shots just doesn’t seem like my kinda thing.  We shall see…

Obviously these things will not come overnight.  Some require money on my part, others require opportunities but all require time and effort.  So keep checking in, keep pestering, keep suggesting (believe it or not, I don’t have it all figured out) and pretty soon this site will be swinging!

I was in the Azores.  Just to prove I worked on a cruise ship!
I was in the Azores. Just to prove I worked on ships!


Alex Mack
Secretary of Transportation (for this website)

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